Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Who's YOUR Daddy?

Conversation that I overheard while suturing the finger of a different patient.  Luckily, my patient didn't speak english, so she didn't know what was going on behind the adjacent curtain.  I never saw this other patient, but it was amusing none the less.

"Hi Daddy, it's me.  I'm at the hospital....

Yeah, I'm doing OK.  Daddy, can you come pick me up?

My name is Michelle....

They wouldn't let me check in under Miss Trickalicious.  They made me use my real name....

I know Daddy, but you need to ask for me by my real name when you get here....

I should be fine to go out and work tonight, Daddy.  I may need some of the other girls to help me with my hair and make-up though....

No, I can still go and work for us tonight, Daddy; even with a broken arm....

Daddy, will come get me now?"

Maybe it's just me, but you would think that your own pimp Daddy would know your real name.

1 comment:

  1. I suspect the young lady was willing to return to work for her "daddy" that same night because she's in a profession that does not require use of the arms... and perhaps because he's the one who broke hers in the first place.

    This should be fun, Doc. I look forward to following along as you share interesting stories.
